You try to send time to a bed and some beds don't work, but other beds do.
Short Answer: You will need to work with your maintenance tech to fix this. Perhaps he can reboot the bed (turning off power at the breaker and turning it back on)
Long Answer: The computer department makes sure that the Helios Software talks to the TMAX manager in the club. We can check that remotely by seeing bed status's. Press F4 and checked out the status shown below.
As you can see in the Status Window you have beds that are ready (green) and 1 Dirty bed (Brown). Beds 5, 7, 8 and 21 have no status (white). That tells that those beds are having a problem talking to the tmax manager. Many times rebooting the beds fixes that, Also the maintenance tech can confirm that the wires are plugged into the wall.
For a picture layout of who is responsible for what please see attached PDF.