At most clubs, the security cameras are physically connected to one or more boxes called a compressor from our DVR software vendor Digital Watchdog.  This device takes the analog signaling from up to sixteen cameras and converts it to network based signaling.

These devices sometimes need to be rebooted to continue to work correctly.  To reboot the devices please follow these steps:

  1. Find Computer Rack in server room, or at front desk
  2. Open up the front and or back of the rack
  3. Find the digital watchdog compressor (images below)
  4. Find the back of the digital watchdog compressor
  5. Find the power cord
  6. Unplug the power cord
  7. Wait 1 minute
  8. Plug it back in
  9. Close an reopen security camera software on gym computers
  10. test to confirm function

Front of compressor:

Profile of compressor:

Back of compressor:

Power cable location on back of compressor: